Friday, June 24, 2011

Fifi and Adoption Grants

Sophie & Baxter resting in the shade

We have a newfound family routine for these summer afternoons.  When Tait wakes up from his afternoon nap, the kids & I go out on the front little courtyard. We eat popsicles and sit in the shade with the dog. It is a fabulous tradition!

Tait's Speech Testimony

At Tait's most recent speech assessment just a few months ago the results were a bit rough. They said that his receptive language (what he understood) was at the level of a one year old & his verbal language was at a 9 month old level. He is two. So, thats a bit of a bummer. You guys have joined with us in praying and these past few months he has made massive strides in his speech. They just updated his receptive speech to being at a 2 year old level. Thank you Jesus! He is saying new words almost every day & we are so encouraged. He can't say Sophie's name yet, so he now calls her 'Fifi'. Its pretty cute if I do say so myself. Thanks for your prayers, they are working!
Tait & Fifi after baths

All People's Church Turned 3!!!

A few weeks ago All People's Church celebrated it's 3rd birthday. God has done so much over the past three years in this city. Check out this video that shares some of the testimonies people had to share: All People's Birthday. Our family is so blessed that we get to work with these amazing people at our church.

Adoption Grants 

We still have $25,150 to raise for our adoption. One of the grants we applied for will be reviewing applications this week to determine who to award money to. We would appreciate your prayers that we would receive one of their grants. If you want to know more about our story of adoption, click on the 'Adoption' tab at the top.

Thanks so much for being on this journey with us. Love you guys!

The Griffin Fam

Monday, June 13, 2011

Summa time, summa time, sum-sum-summa time!

It's summer time!!! The mornings are cloudy and the afternoons are hot. But, apparently that is an average June in San Diego. Hope you guys are all having fantastic summers and getting quality time with friends and family. We've had some fun summer moments so far...

Out celebrating our 8 yr. wedding anniversary!!! 

On May 31st we marked 8 years of marriage...that went by fast & we look forward to decades more! The past month we have been super busy it seems. I have been working hard to get our adoption moving as fast as case you didn't hear, our whole homestudy portion of the adoption got paid for!!!! Jady has been doing a lot of preparation for the coming fall at All People's Church & creating new media pieces for the church. He is becoming an expert surfer...I however, am not. :)

Sophie with some of her new friends at a birthday party.

Sophie is doing great. She blows us away daily with her desire for people to know Jesus. Whenever we go anywhere she reminds me to share with them about God. If she sees a homeless person holding a sign on a corner she prays that God would provide for all their needs. Plus, she is organizing an outreach for kids at the church to go out to a playground and tell other kids about Jesus. She is a better church planter than Jady & I combined.

Tait with his ape friend at the zoo.

Tait...oh, Tait. He keeps us laughing every minute. His name means 'cheerful rock' and he lives up to it. He still loves drumming, in fact he falls asleep with his little drum sticks. Speech is progressing with him and we love hearing him add new words. The most popular word recently has been "poppy" aka popsicle. A summer time favorite!

A college lifegroup at our house

Jady wears several hats at All People's Church. He is one of the preaching pastors, leads worship, helps in creative aspects...You may also recall that one of our new responsibilities here in San Diego is working with college students. In the fall we will be leading 'Awaken' the college gathering. There are 100,000 college students in the area & we want them all! This summer we have a college lifegroup meeting in our house weekly. It has been so fun getting to know some students and dreaming into the fall. 

We would appreciate your prayer with us in a specific area. Currently our support is $3,000 under budget per month. As you can imagine that means things are pretty tight! God always provides as we have seen many times. However we do feel like it is important that we really pray into getting $3,000 per month. This will help us cover our basic monthly expenses and also provide for the increase of adding two children into the monthly budget. Please pray with us that God opens some doors for us in this area. If you want more info on this look at the tab at the top 'Partner with us'.

We love you guys so much and are thankful for each of you. Blessings!!! 

The Griffins